Q: How do I order online?

A: Just click on the item you would like to purchase and choose the size you want. Our system will generate a payment method to complete the order. Orders can be placed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Q: How much does it cost to ship my order?

A: All of our artwork includes free shipping; there are no hidden fees.


Q: Who will deliver my parcel?

A: EMS, FedEx or DHL to your door (if you are away, a note will be left stating the local pickup point). Artgow uses EMS or DHL for all our deliveries.


Q: How long will it take to receive my art piece?

A: Counting from when your order is placed, installation art and hand-paints will arrive in about 15 - 20 days; flat prints will arrive in about 7 - 10 days.


Q: What payment methods do you accept?

A: We accept all credit cards via Paypal or PingPong.


Q: Who are your artists?

A: Our artists have an average of 15 years experience and all have obtained advanced degrees in Art. We have also employed experts in certain branches of learning and stylistics due to our large team of artists.


Q: Is this painting exactly the same as the picture on the website?

A: The images on this website are works that we own. However, you should consider the fact that displays on computer screens may cause slight distorted colors. Equivalently, when we receive more than one unit of the same painting, there are always subtle differences between each painting.


Q: Why are your printing prices so low?

A: In order to serve US customers better, we have set up branches and warehouses in Las Vegas, which makes our shipments faster.


Q: Do you sell worldwide?

A: We accept international orders, sell worldwide with terms and conditions of 30 day refund return policy.


Q: What is the best way to contact us?

A: You can contact us by email.